Like planning for college, or any other higher education program, getting a CDL is a serious consideration. We strongly encourage all prospective students to do as much research on job prospects, outlooks, career opportunities, and companies beforehand to ensure this is a right fit for you. Knowing what you want to drive is also a huge plus, (whether it be a bus, tractor trailer, or box truck).

If you decide to move forward, we are here for you every step of the way. The first steps are to:

  1. Sign up for your lessons or packages at our office or over the phone.
  2. Take a DOT Medical Examination (we can refer you to a location).
  3. Come in and utilize our CDL Permit Course (computer lab and video tutorial based), until you feel confident you can pass the DMV Permit Test.
  4. Once you have your Permit and Medical Card, we are able to book lessons and your road test appointment.